Sustainability is a measure of the highest quality
As a producer of the highest quality food and drink, Ireland has developed robust and integrated systems governing its agriculture and food production. At a time when retailers are putting more emphasis on creating a more ethical and sustainable image, Irish private label suppliers have a real role to play in appealing to consumer values.
Origin Green, the world’s first national food sustainability programme, was created by Bord Bia in 2012. It brings together the entire food and drink industry, from farmers to food processors and drink producers with a common goal – sustainable food production.
Food businesses commit to a mix of targets specified by the Origin Green Charter, with plans reviewed annually by SGS. Currently over 284 companies are verified members of the programme, representing 90% of total Irish food and drink exports. A further 166 companies are preparing plans for verification.
All Irish food and drink companies operate to EU rules, legislation and certification on food safety, with the vast majority BRC accredited.

Private Label Health Foods
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Higher Value Private Label
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Case studies on with client companies
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Facts and Figures
The Irish food and drink industry exported food and drink products with a total value of €13 bn in 2019.
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