Ireland is a clean, high quality and innovative producer of excellent food and drink products, a reputation which has been earned from many years of supplying international markets. The hugely valuable natural resources of Ireland have been harnessed to develop a world class agricultural industry.
Agri-food is Ireland’s most important indigenous sector, accounting for approximately 173,000 jobs in the country.
The value of exports of Irish food, drink and horticulture were €13 billion in 2020, during a period of unprecedented change and challenge.

Channels, Competencies & Coverage
Irish food and drink companies supply customers through a combination of channels including retail, foodservice, manufacturing and online.
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Facts & Figures
The value of exports of Irish food, drink and horticulture were €13 billion in 2020, during a period of unprecedented change and challenge.
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Private Label
With a proven track record of over two decades in the Private Label (PL) market in the domestic and UK markets, Continental European markets are now benefiting from the expertise built up by Irish PL exporters.
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Quality Assurance
Bord Bia operates Quality Assurance Schemes for the following product categories: Bacon, Beef, Chicken, Duck, Eggs, Fruit, Lamb, Pork, Turkey and Vegetables.
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