Channels Se
In this section you will be able to search for products by Channel. Irish food and drink companies supply customers through a combination of channels including retail, foodservice, manufacturing and online. Brands from Ireland can be found on retail shelves all over the world; these range from iconic household names to more newly established brands. Irish food and drink companies are also active in the foodservice (or ‘out of home’) market, supplying customers right across this sector – from hotels, restaurants, coffee shops and pubs to workplace canteens, airlines, hospitals and schools, both in the Irish market and overseas.
Online food sales are experiencing double digit growth as technology continues to change how consumers shop and Irish companies are increasingly engaged in this fast moving marketplace. Recent investment in a Consumer Insight Centre in Bord Bia’s head office in Dublin has helped Irish companies to research, develop and bring to market new brands and products that are rooted in category and consumer insights.
To view list of suppliers in each channel, simply click a Channel icon below.
Ireland was ranked as the 4th best country to do business with in the world in 2016 in Forbes’s annual rankings. With seven consecutive years of export growth, Ireland has demonstrated its ability to compete in international food and drink markets. Irish food and drink companies have invested in plant and production facilities which has generated new capabilities and increased competitiveness.
Research and development is a vital component of an innovative food sector and Ireland has a wealth of technical and commercially led support structures for manufacturers. With export markets forming a critical part of industry strategy, Irish companies are highly focused on developing new markets. Membership of Bord Bia’s Origin Green programme also provides the opportunity to strongly differentiate through sustainability messaging.
Our Global Coverage
Ireland exports over 80% of its dairy and beef production and is the UK’s largest supplier of food and drink products. 34% of Ireland’s €13bn food and drink exports are destined for the UK market, while Europe accounts for 35% and 31% is supplied to the rest of world.
As international markets have grown in value and importance in the past number of years, logistics and supply chain management models have become increasingly sophisticated in order to service our international customer base. Whatever your requirement is, Irish suppliers can deliver effective and robust supply chain solutions.