Bord Bia operates Quality Assurance Schemes for the following product categories: Bacon, Beef, Chicken, Duck, Eggs, Fruit, Lamb, Pork, Turkey and Vegetables. The schemes are voluntary however there is significant support for them from farmers and the food industry. Currently over 42,000 farmers and over 150 food processors and packers are members.
In the Bord Bia Quality Assurance Schemes all steps in the food chain from production to the final packaging for sale to the end user are Quality Assured; these include the farm or growing unit, the meat factory or packing centre and any secondary processing food factory (smoking, curing, cooking etc). The Bord Bia Q Mark on a product indicates that the product has been produced in accordance with the required Quality Assurance standards and that the product was produced, in its entirety, in Ireland. All of Bord Bia’s Quality Assurance schemes are also accredited to the internationally recognised European Standard EN45011 / ISO.

Facts & Figures
The value of exports of Irish food, drink and horticulture were €13 billion in 2020, during a period of unprecedented change and challenge.
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Private Label
With a proven track record of over two decades in the Private Label (PL) market in the domestic and UK markets, Continental European markets are now benefiting from the expertise built up by Irish PL exporters.
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