Michael Hassett entrepreneur and Artisan Master Baker established his first bakery in 1984 in Donnybrook Douglas.

Today he owns and manages Hassetts Bakery & Confectioners Ltd. Carrigaline, (manufacturing), Hassetts Patisserie in main street Carrigaline (retail/cafe), Hassetts Bakery in the English Market Cork (retail) and Hassetts Washington street (retail/café), Hassetts Douglas Court (retail), Hassetts Blackpool (retail).
He currently employs over 48 across all units. Michael has gained invaluable experience within this industry over the last thirty two years. He advanced into biscuits and cracker manufacturing over the last eighteen months at small scale servicing his own retail outlets. These products have proven to be very successful and have created a demand of its own. We currently export to America, Canada and Berlin.