Bord Bia is co-hosting the prestigious World Steak Challenge again in Dublin this November. These awards represent an opportunity to recognise and showcase the leading producers and suppliers of excellent quality beef globally.
All of the steak entries will be assessed under tightly controlled conditions by a “blind” tasting panel in Dublin’s FIRE restaurant. This panel will consist of more than 50 independent international judges, including chefs, butchers and other meat experts. Based on their assessment, the best performing entries will be awarded gold, silver or bronze medals, across the respective categories which include World’s Best Sirloin, World’s Best Rib-Eye, World’s Best Fillet, Best Grain-fed and Best Grass-fed, alongside the overall World’s Best Steak title. Following judging in early November, competition winners will be announced at a hybrid event, and on the official WSC website.
In 2019, the event attracted a record number of entries from around the world: with competitors spanning 26 countries and 4 continents. Last time, Irish beef won over 75 medals, more than any other single country, including the “World’s Best Fillet Steak”. The awards, which are organised by William Reed Business Media, were postponed last year on account of the global Covid-19 pandemic. It is anticipated that Irish beef companies will again compete strongly for the medals.

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